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Elspeth Hanson

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on December 29, 2010 at 11:52:30 pm

Elspeth Hanson (born 12 May 1986) is the violist of the all female string quartet bond.



Elspeth Hanson born in London, England in 1986, started learning the violin aged 12. At the age 16, she won a place as first violin with the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain with whom she has toured the UK and played live at the BBC Proms.

Previously she had recorded solos with the London Symphony Orchestra, The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic and the City of Prague Philharmonia. Elspeth is studying towards a Masters at the Royal Academy of Music with Richard Deakin.


She played and sang at The Southbank for Oxfam Aid. She gave a solo performance of Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" at the Birmingham Symphony Hall in July 2005 in the National Festival of Music for Youth and has performed solo fiddle live on radio at Celtic Connections in Glasgow and at the Millennium Dome. She is an ambassador for Wooden Spoon, a volunteer for South African foundation 'GGA' God's Golden Acre based in Kwazulu-Natal. Elspeth played solo in BBC's live Christmas broadcast The Liverpool Nativity, and works alongside Philip Sheppard.


Hanson had a appearance at the 2008 Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony alongside Jimmy Page, Leona Lewis and David Beckham during the London 2012 handover. Around that time she also played at the Paralympics Closing Ceremony. She is managed by Terri Robson.


Hanson joined BOND, replaced the original band member Haylie Ecker in 2008 when she left to have a child.

In 2009, Elspeth appeared in a tour with BOND, promoting the Peugeot's 308 CC car model-series. These were among Hanson's first appearances with the band.


Besides working in music area, Elspeth also became a former model for The Body Shop.

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